Saturday, November 28, 2009

Orrell Mission Plaque

Prior to leaving on my mission to Thailand, I made my parents a mission plaque which represented all of the missions served by members of our family (I updated it when Brad received his mission call and will post it on this blog later on).  For Christmas this year, I made my in-laws a mission plaque to show their worldwide service.  The timing of our move resulted in some early Christmas the piano in my last post.  All other Christmas gifts won't be posted until after Christmas.  The scripture in the top right hand corner is Matt. 28:19 "Go ye therefore and teach all nations..."

I timed myself on each of the sections of this project so I could best price the entire project for other people wanting one.  Hawaii took me the longest- 26 minutes on a scroll saw.  I knew that Hawaii natives would hold me accountable for each little cove on their island...for instance, I actually cut Pearl Harbor into Oahu.  The amazing part is I didn't even cut my fingers!  I think it turned out really cool.

Karla's dad served 6 months in Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica and Panama.  I stained the wood to show the contrast between countries.  All the pieces on this plaque are cut from 1" Poplar stock.  I have come a long way since my first mission plaque in Jan. '03.  I also used shadow boxes with felt and velcro...that way adjustments and additions can be made easily within the box!

I tried having a local trophy shop engrave the flags on metal, but laminated paper glued to wood ended up looking better.  I woodburned the mission names under the respective flags.

Merry Christmas Tom and Barbara! 

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